Friday, August 26, 2005


Gladiator Cheer parents & Cheerleaders,
REMEMBER, fund raising cards are due SATURDAY, AUGUST 27th between 12-3pm! I'd love for you all to participate in the "Blitz," but understand if you are unable. I hope that this fundraiser provides an opportunity to earn some CA$H for uniforms!
Also remember that practice is VERY important! I need all the girls at EVERY practice! It puts the whole squad behind when we have to teach and reteach cheers and dances! We have lots to learn, so let's be sure to get to practice!
Another reminder that I need MEASUREMENTS for all the girls! Bust, Waist, Hips and size (Girls 12, 14, Junior 3, etc).
NO PRACTICE on Saturday, September 3rd (Labor Day weekend). We will be back for practices on Tuesday, September 6th.
Let me know if there is anything that I can do to help! Have a super weekend & see you at practice!

Wednesday, August 17, 2005

Gladiator Cheer - Parent Meeting

Hi Parents (and girls),
Thanks for your attendance at the Gladiator Cheer Parent Meeting. I will be moving on our choice of uniforms ASAP! Remember, we decided on tennis style skirts, and tops (either a sleeveless polo or tank) with embroidery. I will also be pricing out warm up suits.
Practices will continue on Tuesday & Thursday from 6-8pm and Saturday morning from 8-10. If your daughter will miss practice, please let me know via email or phone. Remember, when the girls miss practices, it takes up time for the whole squad - to reteach cheers/dances/pom routines - so try and make it to practice! :)
I'll try and get poms out of storage for the girls this weekend and also get cheer sheets printed off for each girl to take home and review.
FUN RAISING KICK OFF - TUESDAY, AUGUST 23, 2005 @ 6:00pm at the field. Please plan on attending this meeting! It's important for full support of the fundraiser (this will also help pay for your girls' uniforms!).
Please, send me your questions, concerns, comments if you have them...
Have a wonderful day!

Tuesday, August 02, 2005

Come Alive in 2005!!

It's nearly time... WAKE UP AND CHEER!

Only a week before our first practice and I'm sure you are all STOKED about getting started! If you haven't heard already, please contact the Gladiator Office for distribution of your fundraising cards! Remember, for each card you sell, $5 goes toward your uniform total! Make your goal about 20 cards and save your parents some MAJOR CASH!

Can't wait to get started! See you on Tuesday the 9th!

Coach Jenni